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          It Rains


Prepare for the Rainy Season

Save your home from unnecessary damage during rain storms by following these steps.

  • Clear gutters and downspouts of leaves and debris.
  • Dispose of leaves and debris in enclosed compost bins, curbside yard waste containers, or at local composting facilities.
  • Do not blow or sweep leaves into the road where they will clog storm drains.
  • Ensure driveway ditch culverts are clear and that water can flow freely.
  • Keep neighborhood storm drains free of leaves and debris. Never remove the lid or attempt to clean a storm drain located in a busy street.
  • If you need help with a drainage problem, contact a professional.


Contact your local Public Works if there are problems with storm drains, ditches, or pipes. For residents of unincorporated Kitsap County, contact ​Kitsap 1: 360.337.5777



Focus on storm drains








Kitsap County Public Works Stormwater Division Kitsap Public Health District Kitsap Conservation District WSU Kitsap Extension Kitsap Public Utility District